You were born to meet me, and I found you one day thru a guy....
we first met is in some random picture, there were so many other that looks like you.....
to be honest I felt for you the first time I saw you, you keep playing in my head.....
I try so hard to find you, reach you, touch you and trying to ride on you....

Hahaha, a poem I wrote for my beloved new Myvi I bought on 19th December 2008, my biggest achievement in year 2008. It's a medallion grey premium Myvi. I proud to have her as my partner in my life...Been driving her for quite some time and I'm satisfiy with her. No Wonder people said Myvi is the best local car in I know why.

It cost me 9 years payment loan and also 1.7k for deposit, I know I'm and idiot for paying so long but what can you do? I'm just a misarable unknown low pay web designer. I can't afford to pay 1k per month...i won't have any life if pay that much money. So fuck it, don't care what other people say, I don't give a shit man. Hahaha....I've got no pictures of my myvi not because I dun like her, is because I got no camera....hahaha...